Item Coversheet

Consent Bids and Purchases Over $100,000

City of Boynton Beach
Agenda Item Request Form
Commission Meeting Date:  4/6/2021
Requested Action by Commission: 

Proposed Resolution No. R21-036 - Award Bid No. 002-2511-21/RW, Harvey E. Oyer Jr. Park Marina Boat Ramp Improvement Project, and authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with to issue a Purchase Order to Anzco, Inc. of Boca Raton, FL as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $967,538.00 plus contingency amount of $232,462.00 for a total estimated amount of $1,200,000.00.

Explanation of Request: 

On February 5, 2021, Procurement Services issued a bid for "Harvey E. Oyer Jr. Park Marina Boat Ramp Improvement Project" with a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Site visit held on February 11, 2021 to review the project with interested and qualified contractors.


The scope of the work includes all labor, equipment, tools, materials and permitting for the repair and alterations of the existing boat ramps, floating docks, reconfiguration and resurfacing portion of the existing driveway at Harvey E. Oyer Jr. Park located at 2010 N Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.


On March 12, 2021, Procurement Services opened bids from three (3) bidders. After reviewing the three (3) bids submitted, Purchasing verified that all three bids were responsive to the bid requirements, possess the requisite licenses and have the capacity to obtain the requisite insurance and payment or performance bonds.


Public Works Department, Engineering/Facility staff recommended the project be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder Anzco, Inc.

How will this affect city programs or services? 

The boating community and the users of this facility have stated that the four (4) boat ramps have become difficult to use due to the current surface conditions. These conditions include both surface materials and the slope of each ramp.  This project will directly improve the use of the City facility.  


Initially staff believed that the boat ramps could remain open during construction, but after receipt of the bids and refinement of the scope of work, the boat ramps will need to be closed for approximately (2) months to efficiently reconstruct the ramps and provide the least amount of disruption to boaters.  


As part of the ramp closure, staff is recommending delaying the issuance and pro-rating the annual rate of the boat trailer parking permits relative to the time that the ramp will remain closed.  Staff anticipates the closure to begin October 1st, 2021 and partially reopen on December 1st, 2021. Staff will provide ample notice to the public via signage at the park, social media and direct communications with permit holders.


Due to the long lead time required for materials (i.e: gangways, docks, ramps, etc.), construction of the project cannot begin until 10/1/2021.  Further, in an effort to reduce the City's costs, the direct purchase of materials requires 50% down-payment at time of order, but will save the City over $10,000.00 in sale tax. All direct purchases of materials will be made by the City with funds specifically allocated for the construction of this Project.  

Fiscal Impact:  Budgeted 

Funds are included in the adopted CIP budget


302-4211-572.63-05  Project# RP2131


FY 20/21 - $600,000.00 (Florida Inland Navigational District) Grant

FY 21/22 - $600,000.00

Alternatives:  City Commission can reject all bids and direct the City Manager to resolicit these services.
Strategic Plan:
Strategic Plan Application: 

Climate Action Application: 
Is this a grant?  
Grant Amount: 
ResolutionResolution awarding Bid 002-2511-21 Oyer Park Boat Ramp
AgreementAgreement - Anzco, Inc.
BidInvitation to Bid
AddendumAddendum No 1
Tab SheetsTabulation Sheet
AttachmentSubmittal - Anzco, Inc.