Item Coversheet

New Business

City of Boynton Beach
Agenda Item Request Form
Commission Meeting Date:  9/21/2021
Requested Action by Commission:  Consider and approve authorizing use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to provide a monetary incentive of $500.00 to each City employee who is fully vaccinated on or by November 15, 2021 for an approximate cost of $400,000.00. This incentive is subject to collective bargaining.
Explanation of Request: 

Pursuant to the U.S. Department of Treasury's interim final rule for Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds [31 CFR Part 35], funds may be used for COVID-19 response and prevention.   


As of September 13, 2021, the following chart reflects the number of employees by department who have submitted proof of vaccination:


Department Employees Vaccinated   %
City Clerk 6 4 67%
City Manager & Legal 11 10 91%
Community Standards 18 5 28%
Development/Econ Dev 31 16 52%
Finance 22 14 64%
Fire Rescue 135 44 33%
Golf 31 21 68%
Human Resources & Risk 9 8 89%
Information Technology 14 7 50%
Library 32 24 75%
Police - Communications 15 5 33%
Police - Professional 39 17 44%
Police - Sworn LEOs 146 45 31%
Public Works 98 22 22%
Recreation and Parks 63 17 27%
Utilities 114 43 38%
TOTAL 784 302 39%


Due to less than 40% of the employee population being vaccinated, staff is recommending offering a $500.00 vaccination incentive, which is the same amount that the City of Delray Beach and the City of West Palm Beach are providing to their employees.  Additionally the Clerk of the Courts has provided a $500 incentive and Broward County just instituted a program for $500 per employee.

How will this affect city programs or services?  The Biden Administration encourages the use of ARPA funds to incentive people to become vaccinated. Offering an incentive may help to encourage more employees to voluntarily become vaccinated.      
Fiscal Impact: 

The total funding necessary if all employees were to be fully vaccinated on or by November 15, 2021 would be approximately $400,000.


Strategic Plan:
Strategic Plan Application: 

Climate Action Application: 
Is this a grant?  
Grant Amount: 